“We must have pitched 20-30 game ideas that would have totally worked in the Halo universe”

Former Halo Developers Pitched ODST Game Similar to Helldivers 2: Insider Reveals

Recent revelations from ex-Halo developers shed light on a multitude of spin-off game concepts proposed for the franchise, many of which never saw the light of day. Notably, one idea closely resembled the acclaimed Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2, a recent sensation with its intense co-op action against swarms of formidable foes, has drawn comparisons to what could have been an ODST experience in the Halo universe. According to speculation circulating on Twitter, former members of 343 Industries had proposed a game strikingly akin to Helldivers.

The discourse gained traction on social media when a fan shared insights alleging that developers at 343 had presented an ODST game concept closely resembling Helldivers’ gameplay dynamics. Although specifics about the source remain unclear, @leaks_infinite, a credible Halo-centric news source, corroborated similar information dating back to 2022.

Halo 3: ODST GIF
Halo 3: ODST GIF

While details about the timing and fate of this proposed ODST project remain elusive, it sparks curiosity among fans about what could have been in the ever-expanding Halo universe.

Giving more credibility to the claims, former 343 Industries developer and senior designer on Halo Infinite, Kevin Schmitt, weighed in with a response. According to him, tons of ideas were pitched for Halo games, though these never saw the light of day for one reason or another.

“We must have pitched 20-30 game ideas over the 12 years I was there that would have totally worked in the Halo universe,” Schmitt says. “Many SP & MP ODST-themed ones. Some galaxy-spanning, some more intimate… and one that was really dark. lol.”

Naturally, the idea of these not being picked up has been met with a mix of sadness and confusion from fans. “Infuriating that none of these were allowed to be made,” says @PWCR13. “The universe is so massive [with] endless stories to tell.” @Halo_VFX writes, “I’d love to know the reasoning why they didn’t go with any of them. It feels, from a fans’ perspective, that they do as much as they can [to hold] the franchise back from having tons of gaming experiences that could be fun and successful.”

And success is certainly what Helldivers 2 has found. In just 24 hours, the sequel managed to overtake God of War to become the biggest PlayStation Studios game launch on Steam. Since then, its spiraling concurrent player numbers have seen it surpass Destiny 2 and Starfield to become the biggest Steam launch from PlayStation or Xbox Studios. Developer Arrowhead recently admitted it was “struggling to keep up” with the game’s immense popularity and has to raise the player cap to 450,000 to improve server stability.

What are your thoughts on this potential ODST game concept? Do you believe it would have been a worthy addition to the Halo franchise, offering a fresh take on the beloved universe? Or do you think it’s best that such ideas remained on the drawing board? Share your opinions and join the discussion in the comments below! Your insights contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding the evolution of gaming and the Halo series.

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